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3 Tips for Preventing Hair Breakage

I can't begin to explain how crazy I am about keeping my hair healthy- it's been embedded in my mind to always care for my hair from a very young age. However, even knowing what I know about hair maintenance, I still struggle with a common issue; hair breakage. In the past year I've heavily neglected my hair care routine and in result I've been left with damaged & brittle hair. So, I've decided to embark on a healthy hair journey to bring back my full & bouncy lock...are you with me??

One of my main concerns has been hair breakage. I have type 3a/3b curly hair and it's on the thinner side of the scale. By using bleach and exposing my hair to the harsh summer sun, weekly straightening heat, and chlorine from the pool, I've done quite a number on my hair. It's become dry and extremely fragile like never before!

I've been experimenting with different methods and I've noticed a big improvement in the past weeks after making a few tweaks to my hair routine. If you're struggling with hair breakage then here are 3 good tips:


Tip #1: Comb out your hair while it's dry

I usually comb out my hair in the shower after applying conditioner, and I've done this pretty much all my life. However, when hair is wet it is much more fragile and prone to have breakage, especially if you're tugging and pulling at it. I found that combing out my hair before I get into the shower, has helped tremendously to limit the tangles and the amount of hair that falls out in the hair washing process.

Tip #2: Get your mask on!

I find that in the winter my hair (more from the mids- ends) becomes much dryer & dull than usual. This could be related to the weather change and the dry air from the heat always on in the house. But of course, the dryer my hair feels, the easier it is for me to have breakage while styling and brushing alone. That is why I add a moisturizing hair mask to my routine and I apply it every single week. Personally, I see the biggest difference when I leave the mask on for 10-15 minutes while I'm in the shower. A good hair mask can bring shine and softness to your hair, while strengthening your hair follicle. Seriously a game changer!

Tip #3: Haircuts are your BFF

I usually cut my hair every 3 months & I immediately see the difference in my ends and the fullness of my hair every time (usually fuller, bouncier ends). Whenever I go too long without a haircut I start to see more breakage & split ends. For reference, I straighten my hair every week & I know that excessive heat is a contributing factor, however, no matter how you choose to style your hair, skipping a haircut is never a good idea.


Hope you found these tips helpful& begin to incorporate them into your routine. What are some of your hair concerns? Feel free to comment below!

Let's bring our healthiest hair into 2022!



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1 Comment

Jan 20, 2022

I love these tips, I definitely need to implement them! 👌🏻 My hair also gets super dry in the winter 🥺

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